Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tips to move on..Forgive yourself and others

We all get emotionally hurt from time to time.
Sometimes the pain can be intense and it creates feelings of anger, resentment and even hatred, especially if it comes from someone who is very important in our lives.
Our natural instinct is to protect ourselves and that’s what often causes the anger, the resentment and the hatred.
I wonder though, did you know the fastest way to move on from is forgiveness.
So – Here’s three tips to make forgiving easier:
1. Empathy: Recall a time when you made a silly mistake that really hurt someone that was close to you. Remember how much you wanted to take back what you’d done, and how important it was to receive forgiveness.
You don’t have to be happy about what they did, and you certainly should be clear about what they did wrong, but with all that said you can still forgive them. After all, that’s what you would want if you were in their place.
2. Self Love: When someone wrongs you in some way, there’s often an instant need to prove them wrong, and you right. It might well be the case that you are right and they are wrong, but the only persons who can decide and accept that is you.
Trying to prove the other person wrong is just another way of getting them to validate you.
Forget that idea, validate yourself, you don’t need anyone else’s opinion to let you know how wonderful you are.
As you get better at doing that, you’ll find less and less things make you upset or angry.
3. How long do you want to feel like Sh*t for?: Ultimately it’s your choice. You can feel angry and hurt about it for the rest of your life if you want, or you can forgive and begin the healing process.
Forgiving won’t instantly remove the hurt and pain, but it will remove it a lot faster than not forgiving.

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