Thursday, February 3, 2011

Living Your Dreams

Living Your Dreams
Current mood:thoughtful
Dreams a (¯`´¯) ..•*¨`*♫.•´*.¸.•´♥`L O V E *.¸.*
When you follow your dream, it is important not to be one of those people who allow themselves to give up as soon as they face any type of difficulty or obstacles.  If you find yourself in a situation where it does not seem to you can hang on for another minuet, do not give up, because that is always the time when the tide turns. "It is always the darkest before the dawn".

It is true and it is something I remind myself of when things get rough.
We can't help being aware of the pull (the attachment, really) to what we've done repeatedly. Even when we know it's not working, we often find ourselves reverting to old, automatic patterns, whether it's holding on to our positions, playing it safe, being right... Pathways, conditions, and patterns established long ago many times aren't consistent with who we are and what we're up to today.

Hold on tenaciously to your dreams now, persevere, believe and the Universe will get behind you and create miracles for you. Feel this in your heart, your soul.
Remember to believe in yourself. As others belief's are not yours'. Respect others dreams and let others have their dreams and belief's.

Most important, always remain open to receiving your miracles
"Expect a Miracle" everyday.

Have the will and courage to endure, you will be in the exact right spot to grow and succeed.

You can live your life dreaming, or you can live your dreams.

Above all revel in your pursuits of your dreams, savor you successes, and forget your failures. They are not failures when you have learned things from the experiences.
"I have faith in myself and my abilities to overcome what ever is put in my path, because I know the "Universe and "I" is on my side. I have lessons to learn and grow.". "I have dreams and they will grow,when I allow them to."

Positively charged people react positively to life because they know winning means getting the upper hand in life.  You cannot win if you're feeling defensive all the time. You must take direct action so life reacts to you, instead of just reacting to what life throws to you.  You must do more than just think positively, you must act, feel positively as well. When you do these simple things, see how your life changes.

This does not mean that you ignore problems, but rather you refuse to let problems or obstacles stand in your way.

It means you are ready, will and able to do what ever it takes to make your dreams come true. It also means you do not let your emotions, like any fears and doubts, control your thoughts. Most importantly, it means you disregard what you cannot control, and only focus on the things you can change.

Recognizing the differences between being negatively and positively charged.

Situation: You are asked to do a new task
Negative Reaction: I do not know how.
Positive Reaction: I'll break it into small steps so it will be a piece of cake. "I can do this".

Situation: You're facing an obstacle that seems insurmountable
Negative Reaction: I will never be able to do anything about this.
Positive Reaction: What are the problems, what are the solutions, what do I do first? "When can I take Action?" What great new skill am I going to learn?"

Situation: Unexpected bills
Negative reaction:  What do I have to cut back on to pay the bills?
Positive Reaction: What can I do to earn more money? "Someone thinks of me"

Negative thoughts restrict your growth and your ability to overcome problems and obstacles. You must convert your negative thoughts into both positive thoughts and actions.  Once you do, nothing will ever be able to stand between you and your dreams. You will live you dream, rather that just dreaming.

Now is the time to really start taking life on. Your surrounded by both opportunity and positive energy now, to benefit from this incredible potential, you must take responsibility of you life and consciously use your good fortune to bring about real change, your desire.

"A price of greatness is Responsibility" W. Churchill.

To really experience life, you must participate in it.
That is why you must take responsibility for yourself, your goals, your progress and most important your dreams.

Only you have the power to fulfill your dreams, you just have to decide what you really want, then develop a plan to obtain it, then act upon your dreams, instead of waiting around for them to come true.
The only hard part is perhaps taking the first step. And that is hard because you properly have not ever done anything like it before.  Remember, once you take the first step, your dreams will start looking for ways to fulfill themselves.
Develop an attitude that says, "I have nothing to lose and everything to gain" because you do.  Never be in a rush to tell yourself "No" before anyone else does. Do Not put up barriers or obstacles where non exist. Most people stop themselves from realizing their dreams way before anyone else does.

Do NOT be concerned about doing everything right, because all successful people know "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly".

It is better to do something, anything than to do nothing. You can always make things better – as an artist, business man, athlete, singer or cook knows.
Almost nothing comes out perfect the first time, but practice almost everything gets better and clearer. So do not worry.

No matter what you do, if you keep doing it, it will get easier and easier, and you will get closer and closer to fulfilling your dreams.

Trails are made by the act of walking. Once made, we travel along the grooves that our own repeated action has made for us; the paths we take are well-worn because we take them every day, and we take them in part because, being so well-worn, they are the paths of least resistance and because venturing off the beaten path demands more work, and even risk.*

Transformation doesn't merely change our outlook and actions, it uncovers the structures of being and interpretation on which we are grounded. It removes arbitrary ideas and views that limit and shape what's possible. It takes practice, courage, and real work to give up old, unproductive ways of being. Choosing otherwise, choosing higher ground, inventing and sustaining frameworks that pull for possibility, forwarding the action, becomes a lifelong practice—a continual choosing.
The more we choose, the more we practice giving up what doesn't work, the better we get at it and the speed and frequency with which we free ourselves increases dramatically.

An early-warning system gets built; new environments and courses of action get established. The outcome extends in all directions—it reaches out into space and creates the future like a possibility.

Dreaming new ways to live and enjoy life is making new pathways. Many are afraid of change and will fight you, demoralise you, make you wrong and they want you to become what they see fit and know, these people are not dreamers. They are drones of the worn paths.

 Remember the phones, the light bulbs, the people who took a different path and made a difference to millions, billions, and your life. These people were shunned, blamed and tormented, although that was in the beginning of their dreams....look now!! you are using their dreams in your life....
 (¯`´¯) ..•*¨`*♫.•´*.¸.•´♥`L O V E *.¸.*

I found that who I am is unimportant. What I do is more important. Inspire creative passions which you were born to achieve and be, is!

Copyright by SFS 2003-2014

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