Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why pull creative people down

When the small pox injections were introduced...people said it not good... many people died because they never took the vaccination. The real truth was that small injection stopped the out breaks and saved peoples lives. When the measles injection first came out.. people said it was not required, many children died before they took that simple injection. The Chicken pox,, the people again said the...y did not need it... thousands of children and adults died.. then when the took that simple injection there was no infection or deaths in any of those situations... Coup cough.... many died especially children,, then a simple injection was accepted and did wipe out ... many people don't want to believe that things were designed to keep people safe..

Polio a smile syrup cleared and prevented that problem where once it was massive problem. People who create get hammered and criticised against great odds of public opinions and beliefs that they are sometimes killed.. yet years later those same people are saved, inspired by those creators.
The car, the lights, they phones, the radio, tv, guns, bombs, iv, surrogacy , the things which we now take for granted.. the masses fought against in having in our lives...flights. aeroplanes. tap water. etc..., Why do people want to pull down creators? When it is those who make a difference.
Why gossip and hurt? Why demolish creativity in any field. Communities benefit in the long term.. We are to acknowledge those creators, We are to inspire those creators, We are to support those creators, all of them, as if we never had them ..we would be less, and still living in caves....with nothing...

 Yes we do make mistakes, we learn and improve on those .. by learning.. creating and going forward...After all we are creating, or music, our lives, our futures and we are improving on all levels.. Stop gossiping and start creating.. making a difference.
I found that who I am is unimportant. What I do is more important. Inspire creative passions which you were born to achieve and be, is!

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