After all the lives of the American Indians, Their lives were lived though teachings o life. In books of English and all languages. their stories were all passed down by word only.
the new people in Self esteem and spiritualist and all professional writers. I have seen that these people (native Indians) know more about spirit and love than other nations never took seriously until recently.
I have extracted a few things for examples. Enjoy and take in mind that all of these things and words were said before we began to write and even think of them.
Yet they were percuted and driven away. Yet they are still strong in spirit and Love.
~North Direction, North Wind~ ~Eagle (Wanblee)) is a symbol of leadership, and to the Indian it is the creature symbol of greatest power because it flies so high, close to the Great Spirit, and is regarded as the eyes of the all-seeing powers of Wakan Tanka, the one above who created all things...the Indians wore the feathers of the eagle, but this bird is so highly regarded that each feather has to be earned by the wearer. Deeds of bravery, generosity, self sacrifice, or provident wisdom could result in the wearing of an eagle feather...~
~We've walked a thousand miles,
and cried a thousand tears...
~We've hidden through generations,
and aged a thousand years...
~We've silently fought our battles,
as we buried our men of war...
~And prayed that God keep safe,
the children that we bore...
~We've been scorned by the masses,
if a stand we try to take...
~To demand our right's and freedom,
without our souls to forsake...
~It may not happen tomorrow,
but this change is in the wind...
~This battle has already begun,
in this message I send...
~As we walk the next thousand miles,
and not shed a single tear...
~We will fight for this generation,
for the Rainbow Tribe is here....~
~Do not let your heart be hardened, but to let it be as spacious as Grandfather Sky, and as generous of spirit. Compassion is the root of ethical action, but grief and sadness are like a heavy stone that blocks the good road to healing...let us be ready to begin...~ ~American Indian Prophecies~
~You can kill, or try to kill a people, but the light of their spiritual life continues to burn inside them, then they shall continue..t his has been the ways of the Jews all through history, through many attempted destructions, you would have to kill every last one to eliminate Judaism, and even then, others will adopt and continue their teachings. This is exactly what is happening with American Indian Culture, People of other cultures, colours and traditions are adopting our ways...~ ~American Indian Prophecies~
The Iroquois people have a great understanding of the patterns of human life, and social structure. Everything is an extension of the self. The self is realized through interaction with other beings, this is the basic human experience. The first part of this experience is the male/female relationship, since we live in a world of duality, positive, negative; male, female. From relationship comes family. From the family comes the community. From the community comes the society. From the society comes the nation and so forth...but it all begins with self...~ ~Last Cry~
~Your desire is what gave you hope and new direction each time your dream called Life seemed to collapse. Desire is the emotional drive that gave you the instinct to survive and continue. All of your past experiences culminate in each experience you develop in the moment...the final outcome will depend upon our personal choices in how we play out the human drama. There will be no one road, there will be no one event to point to, and the future is not yet written in stone...~ ~Last Cry~
~It is felt that soon there will be no pure bloods among the Indian people, and eventual reality of all races. However this is not a bad thing. No, it is the evolution, part of the Creator's plan. We are destined to become the Earth Race, one people, one planet, one Mother, one Father. The races are coming together in accordance with the balance of life that must occur if humankind is to survive. The separatism we have known, as it has been taught through our many religions, cultures, and nation, has outlived it's usefulness. There is being born through this experience a Rainbow People, possessing knowingness of all the races, all the religions and all the cultures...~ ~Last Cry~
~If you can no longer get up in the night and listen to the falling rain, or to listen to the sound of the owl outside your window with joy in your heart, if you can no longer enjoy the wind rustling through the grass or the warmth of the sun upon your face, if there is no longer a song in your heart and a dream in your head, then you have lost it anyway. Best to go find what you have left behind ~ you are going to need it...~ ~Last Cry~
~Learn to listen to your own heart. If you learn that, you will know the wisdom of the ages. Learn to speak your own words, and sing your own song, while you learn to allow others to enjoy the same state of being...allow, allow, allow...~ ~Last Cry~
~The people are angry...the youth is angry, we are experiencing Kyanosquatsi, the world out of balance! They are angry at the government which is out of control. They are angry at the legal system that invades our privacy and abuses our human rights, destroys families and persecutes the poor, and steal lands from its citizens and then gives it over to the UN. The anger is growing. Soon it will not be so easy to cover up the truth with all of us asking questions...they will not be able to handle the cover-up with a whole nation of angry people, locked up in their cities...~ ~Last Cry~
~The spiritual awakening will happen of its own accord. We do not have to concern ourselves with what is the proper way. There is no cultural or ethnic secret formula for evolution...most of it is a matter of opening the heart, which will open the mind to new avenues of applied reality. Mostly we have to create an environment free from fear. Creator does not care if you are Christian or Aborigine. Great Spirit hears the human heart. From there we all speak the same language, and from there we are all the same...we are all one relation. Creator only cares that your heart is pure ...~
~Changing "terminology" or injecting words that some may feel more politically correct is not going to happen.. the words from speeches, poems, books and prayers are written as I read them, mostly from the prophets and leaders from centuries ago..everyone is capable of buying this material at any bookstore or is words and speeches and prayers I feel strongly in and want to share with others...these post are ongoing, there is a reason they are in this order. If you have just found this page and are interested in previous post, please just go to photos, click on that and it will take you to every post I have ever written...more on the prophecies will be ongoing...Melody~
~Strive always for happiness and joy, for these are the attributes that allow Love to find you. These are the emotions that, like invisible radio waves, lead us to the Creator, the Great Mystery. The path, the Good Red Road, ia an ancient pathway, and one that is anything but narrow, for in essence it encompasses all that is, for all that is, is God...thus, in truth we can never stray from it. Aye, even within the nucleus of the atom can Creator be found; in a tiny speck of blue light, the flame that burns eternal. Knowing this, why then would you deny Creators existence within your own heart....?
~Never let anyone tell you who you are...that is between you and your Creator, for the truth of what and who we are and our long journey to this present is something few remember. their minds are filled with disconnected thoughts and images of what they are expected to be as...when we first come to own ourselves, we first lose those pictures, and learn to follow the feeling...~ ~Ghost Wolf~
~Heal the Women ~ Heal Humanity ~we must work with the women, we must help them at all costs to heal their these times that are coming, we need to help women reclaim their power. If they do not reclaim their power, all will be lost. Because in these times the men will no longer act like men.. "They will not be noble and proud of who they are, who they came from, and their connection to the land. They will not hold the words of the creator close to their hearts. They will only hold the words of other men to their hearts, and men can be wrong. Men have become sick with altered ego and greed..they have lost their connection to their inner spirits. They have a material God now. There are no leaders among the People, so our children do not learn, and they now wander aimlessly through life, like lost souls...~
~There are many misconceptions about the Indian ways. We do not worship beasts, and we do not worship stones...we honour them...and we honour the consciousness that is within them. Because we are the Mitakyue oyasin - we are all relations, we are one with all things unto the universe. We are connected to all of life by a web of light...we are all brothers and sisters with the Eagle, the Rabbit, the Tree People, even with the stones. Everything is alive, and that aliveness is the Creator, that is in all things...~
~Fulfil is only when you yourself are beyond need, that you can effect change. For it is only when you are in your full power and not coming from the emotion of lack that you are fully capable of manifesting your chosen reality...we give you now the wisdom of the Eagle Nation. Go and gather all around you those who are part of your heart, gather around you all that brings you joy, all that you dream is yours to experience when you gather these things...hold your dreams close to your heart...~
~No matter what you have been, or what you have done, the Great Spirit (Creator) sits evenly with all of us on that day of passing. All that matters is that you did, that you lived it all and drank from the cup of life, and danced your own dance to your own drumbeat...~
~We are all children created by the same God, playing upon a field of dreams...each level leads to another, and the unfoldment of tomorrow is predicted upon the way you walk today and the actions you choose...~
~I now offer to you my feminine viewpoint. It is important to realize that there isn't anything to be afraid of, not even fear, for they are lessons to learn in every experienced we encounter. When we do feel the grips of fear running through our systems, remember that there is always something to learn and the sooner we go neutral, the sooner we "get it", move through it, and boldly come out on the other side, stronger and wiser...~
...power can be as gentle as the smell of the flora, or the sound of the butterfly's wings. Great power is not always the fury of the hurricane...for the Greatest Power is the...Silence...~
~Whatever you own of yourself, you own. No one can take it away from you. You are Spirit, and that is cannot kill Spirit, you cannot burn Spirit. When you leave this plane, you have the choice to continue, for this is not the end of the any means...~
~If FOX shows up, it means: your intuitions, and be wary of someone you're involved with who's attempting to trick you in some way. ~Your intelligence and ingenuity are more useful right now than confrontation and righteousness. ~It's better for you to remain in the background and exert influence from that position than to take an active leadership role. ~It's best to blend into your surroundings, move with stealth, and keep your intentions to yourself. ~Listen and hear, look and see, sense and your senses to guide you...~ ~Animal Spirit Guides~
~If Owl shows up, it means: ~Meditate in silence and in darkness for a few minutes each evening for the next few days and see what is revealed to you. Be alert to any deception on the part of others, whether they're aware of it or not, and look closely behind any guises that they may wear. ~This is a particularly ripe period to tap into the wisdom that's available to you...this is a significant time for prophecy, and you will see, hear, or feel events before they actually happen...~ ~Animal Spirit Guides~
~Anything you do on behalf of our animal brothers and sisters will be looked on very kindly by the spirit world and especially by the spirit animals. Thanking them at each and every opportunity through prayer is a subtle but powerful way of honouring them...donating time, or energy or in any way bring to light to others by approaching concerns of animal abuses with your ethics and philosophies of any reputable animal rights or environmental active way for you to give something back to our animals...~ ~Animal Spirit Guides~
~When an animal or a symbol of that animal shows up to you in an unusual manner or repeatedly (at least three times in a short period of time), it's most definitely trying to convey a message from the spirit world to you. An example of a repetitive symbolic representation would be when you have a vivid and colourful dream about a bear, go to the market the next day and overhear two strangers.
~The term spirit guide, also known as a helping spirit or guardian angel is a term used for any of these spiritual beings that help us in a life-positive way. We can call on them for guidance, protection, healing, encouragement, and inspiration...some have been with us since childhood, while others have appeared at various periods in our life, perhaps to help us through a difficult transition. We ...may also see them, hear them, feel them, or just know they're with us, and we can have any number of spirit guides throughout our life, whether we're aware of them or not. They want to help us have a more peaceful, harmonious, and happier life, yet will not interfere with our free will...they are happy to serve and willingly do so whenever called...~ ~Animal Spirit Guide~
~If WOLF is your Spirit Guide: ~You have a strong sense of family and community, an intuitive sense of social order, and are very affectionate with your friends and family. You would much rather avoid confrontations, but will fiercely defend yourself and your loved ones whenever necessary. ~You're very expressive verbally and non-verbally and can tell a story with a great deal of passion, sincerity, and animation... ~You're a natural born teacher, imparting knowledge based on experience more than formal education... ~Although you're at ease with your closest friends and family, in most other situations you're actually quite shy...~ ~Animal Spirit Guides~
~If COUGAR shows up, it means: ~You're being called upon to provide leadership to your family, friends and community, or the world as a whole. There's a need for you to be very decisive right now and not equivocate. ~Stop procrastinating with respect to that important task ~ just get to it... ~Stay strong, clear and assertive with those who are asking or demanding that you change when you're not ready to. ~Move forward with faith and courage, and keep your eyes on the goal...~ ~If COUGAR is your Spirit Guide: ~You're a well balanced individual, once you've decided what to do about a situation, you're quick to take action. You're often called upon to take a position of leadership in which others depend on you to provide answers and prefer solitude to're a take charge kind of person, sometimes engendering other's disapproval and criticism...~ ~Animal Spirit Guides
~Friendship is held to be the severest test of character, it is easy, we think, to be loyal to family and clan, whose blood is in our own veins. Love between man and woman is founded on the mating instinct and is not free from desire and self seeking...but to have a friend, and to be true under any and all trials, is the mark of a man...~ ~Dr. Charles Eastman~
~The Tree of Life~ ~The tree of Life represents all that is life, encompassing all that exists upon this planet. When we walk the Red Road, our journey ends under the protection of this Tree. It causes the rhythm of the world to continue year after year, and with each cycle, fruit nourishes those who stand under her boughs. The roots dig deep into history. Those dedicated to this energy know the value of all beings, tend to Mother Earth, and live an honourable life in honour of the spirit of the ancient Tree...~ ~Walking the Red Road~
~The word "Shaman" originated in Siberia, but today many Native tribes and many non-Natives, especially anthropologists, use this word to describe a Native American healer who deals with the underworld, the supernatural, and the spirits...those one's who are true shamans will not write a book or make a public appearance about their work, nor will they advertise their practice or speak of it in public...a shaman can only be found by word of mouth, and those who practice ancient customs are rare. They differ from Native American healers, who often mix traditional medicine with unconventional methods and act more as a physician to the community...~ ~Walking the Red Road~
~Chief Joseph was a major celebrity during his lifetime. Born in what is now north-eastern Oregon in 1840, he was the son of the first Nez Perce Christian converts, also named Joseph, who raised Chief Joseph to support peace with the whites ~ until the government betrayed the elder Joseph and the Nez Perce...Chief Joseph succeeded his father's position in 1871. After several skirmishes and difficulties with the government, he became an eloquent speaker against injustice and inequality, and spoke in support of the freedom of the Native people ♥ ~Walking the Red Road~
~The Great Spirit is our father, but the Earth is our mother. She nourishes us: that which we put into the ground she returns to us, and healing plants she gives us likewise. If we are wounded, we go to our mother and seek to lay the wounded part against be healed ♥ ~Bedagi, Big Thunder, Wabanaki Algonquin, 1900's~
~The Reverend Evan James wrote this letter in from a Cherokee Camp at Little Prairie, Missouri: ~It has been exceedingly cold for some time past which renders the condition of those who are but thinly clad very uncomfortable...every morning we make firse along the road at short intervals. This we have found a great alleviation to the sufferings of the people. ~At the Mississippi River we were stopped from crossing by the ice running so the boats could not pass for several days...there will be an immense amount of suffering and loss of life attending the removal. Great numbers of the old, the young, and the infirm will inevitably be sacrificed, and the fact that the removal is affected by coercion makes it the more galling to the feelings of the survivors....~ ~Footsteps of the Cherokees~See More
~While the bulk of the Cherokee Nation struggled to settle their differences and begin to rebuild their lives in the West, a small band of Cherokees who managed to avoid removal began their own struggle to hold onto lands in North Carolina. Many Cherokees managed to escape removal by claiming to be "Black Dutch" or something other than Cherokee. Some hid deep in the forested mountains and managed avoid the federal troops. Other Cherokees were allowed to stay because they had become United States citizens under the provisions of the 1819 agreement with the federal government...under the treaty of 1819, forty-nine families in North Carolina chose to accept 640-acre reservations and become citizens...~(This is not the end of the story, just a small part of it) *This book also goes into the Cherokees participation in the Civil War, of those that achieved rank of General's, the exploits of many that became heroes on the side of the Confederate States, with monuments erected in their honour*
~Most important are close relationships ~ those in which you felt respect and love on both sides, where giving and receiving were a joy. It turns out that the happiest people live in small communal settings where there is a strong sense of shared commitment to a higher ideal and the willingness to sacrifice to the greater good. When all is said and tallied up, who do you think were the happiest people in America...the Indians...~ ~American Indian Prophecies~
~Crazy Horse, Oglala-Brule Sioux, was born east of the sacred Black Hills in 1842. He later became the war leader of an Oglala subgroup, the Teton Sioux, and was involved in several skirmishes, including the Battle of the Little Bighorn. He surrendered in 1877...and was then killed...~ ~Walking the Red Road~
~That hand is not the colour of your hand, but if I pierce it I shall feel pain, the blood that will follow from mine will be the same colour
as yours...the Great Spirit made us both...~ ~Luther Standing Bear, Oglala Sioux, 1868-1937~
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