Thursday, January 16, 2014


We all have our own dreams. It is up to you and you only to make them come true, as you set the barriers, since childhood.

Actions Steps: Know what you really want
Take a moment to reflect honestly on the following questions
What does success look like for me?
What area of my life needs ramping up or outright transformation?
What steps do I need to take in those area to move towards that I envision?
What does my hear tell me I should do?
What would a break look in my life?
How can I jump start that big break taking place?
Sit down and think about serious problems you have had in the past which are now over. Write down the habits, insights, practices or character strengths that came out of it.
Write down your current biggest problem. Now adjust your perspective. What are some good habits , insights, practices or character strengths that could come out coping with it? What can you learn from it?
Accept that life involves a certain amount of setbacks. Life will throw you curve balls. It is what you do with them that will determine your ultimate reward.
Post a list of problems overcome in your life to serve as a source of strength when it going to get rough.
When you face difficulties, know that the universe is preparing you for greatness, and because no one becomes super successful without the qualities of resilience and persistence that adversity hones in a person’s character.
Adversity forces you to fight, it builds up your mental and emotional muscles. One person learned to swim because they were tossed into the sea. It was sink or swim! While we don’t endorse this method of teaching someone to swim, it illustrates the point that sometimes difficulty makes you into the fighter and survivor you would otherwise not have been.
Does this assist you in anything? Please let me know. Feedback is important to me.
Thank you
Sonia F Stevens

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